Not quite a punch in the face, but close

I was 49.5 years old when I was first introduced to the social phenomenon referred to as ‘lateral violence’. I was at the beginning of a three-month online bullying campaign against me executed by women, all between the ages of 17 and 28. They were young enough to be my kiddies, some of them out to destroy me like their next Saphora voucher depended on it.

Cyberbullying: A story of revenge

Revenge reviewing - cyberbullying

Lucy Bloom discovers that cancel culture is sometimes just a cool word for cyberbullying and the outcomes can be surprisingly positive or devastatingly final, depending on your mental health.

Why Q and As are total fizzers

A very common format for events is keynote speaker followed by ‘Q and A with the audience’. I have not hosted Q and As after a conference speech of mine since 2018. Why? They kill the mood faster than a minute’s silence for the Queen.

How to give good

It’s that time of year again when we make donations because the tax deduction will be forthcoming sooner rather than later. Every year I post my advice on how to make the most of your charitable giving… so buckle up. Here are my top 7 giving tips and then my top 7 charities list for 2023.

How to give a killer conference speech

I’ve been a professional keynote speaker for more than 15 years and full-time conference speaker since 2017, so it is fair to say I have seen a lot of speakers do their thing, from brilliant to utterly horrific. If you would like to brush up, here’s my top 10 listicle on what you need to know to add ‘killer speaker” to your skillset.

Why I will never work full time again

International conference speaker, Lucy Bloom, walked away from her third CEO role in 2017, never to return to full time senior executive life again. Here she explains why she made that radical decision after 30 years of full time work, and has never been happier or healthier.

A rabbi walks into a bar… and tells his birth story

Now is the perfect time to celebrate dudes, dads and their unique perspective on birth, doncha think? When I first published Cheers to Childbirth a decade ago, the men I interviewed couldn’t wait to tell me about their rite of passage. World champion boxer Danny Green punches people in the face for a living, but he had a tear in his eye when he spoke of the birth of his babies and the strength of their mother as she birthed them. In the latest edition, reality TV guy and author Osher Gunsberg, shared his hopelessness at a stalled labour then delight in a screaming baby covered in goo.

Working from home: like a boss

Suddenly half the world is working from home and many of us have new workplace surroundings to adapt to. Remember folks, it’s not the most intelligent or fittest of the species who will survive, it’s those who can swiftly adapt to change. I’ve spent huge chunks of my career working from home, so here are […]

Why so stingy? The Neuroscience of generosity

Generosity is an interesting beast. As an ex-charity CEO, I have seen it expressed in many different ways. The best kind of generosity comes with warmth and good old NSA – no strings attached. This kind of generosity is glorious to witness and is the backbone of charity work all over the world. The worst kind smacks you over the head with their husband’s cheque book.

How ordinary people achieve the extraordinary

We are all ordinary. Every single one of us is an ordinary person who has a set of talents, opportunities, challenges and experiences to work with. Whether we turbocharge those into greatness or lie on the couch is usually entirely up to us. But to start with, we are all ordinary to the core.