Lucy’s top 5 tips for wrangling Facebook for free

I joined Facebook in 2007, originally to stay in touch with the doctors I met on my travels in Ethiopia. FB soon became my communication platform of choice. Here are some tips to get your head around the Facebook algorithm and make the most of free organic reach for your FB business page.

I joined Facebook in 2007, originally to stay in touch with the doctors I met on my travels in Ethiopia. FB soon became my communication platform of choice. Here are some tips to get your head around the Facebook algorithm and make the most of free organic reach for your FB business page.

1. Create sharable content.

That’s pretty much the most important thing to remember across all social platforms. Make sure the majority of your FB content is the kind of thing that your likers will SHARE. What do people share? They share content that makes them look good to their FB friends. True story. Create original content that makes your followers look good to their friends and watch your organic reach skyrocket. The most shared emotion on Facebook is humour. 

2. Be topical.

Your content will have more traction if you ride on the coat tails of the six o’clock news and current social trending. Keep an eye on the “trending” panel in your newsfeed to see what is trending on FB and create content that refers to that – as long as it fits with your brand personality.

3. Mix it up.

Experiment with the length of your posts. Under 250 words has higher engagement rates but a well written 1000 worder that’s hilariously funny or goose bumpy heartbreaking will have more engagement than a punchy two liner. Ask questions that are easy to answer with one or two words for maximum comments.

4. Get into video.

Facey has announced that video uploaded to the Facebook platform (not just shared from YouTube or Vimeo) will be critical to business page success in 2015. Create videos that are under 60 seconds long with the first few seconds having high impact. Because videos auto-play in the newsfeed, your first few seconds need to grab your audience.

5. Have FUN.

Treat Facebook like a game. I keep my eye on weekly reach and set a self-imposed target to smash. Keep an eye on other FB pages in your industry. Aim to have higher engagement rates and higher % new likes every week when compared to the big players. Play the game and have fun!

Go off and use these tips to make the most out of Facebook.

Follow my professional Facebook page HERE!

Other than a Facebook Wrangler, Lucy is an international keynote speaker, author and consultant.

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